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О. В. Гулька

Тернопольский национальный педагогический университет имени Владимира Гнатюка


В статье представлены показатели вариабельности сердечного ритма студенток педагогического высшего учебного заведения, которые были разделены на группы по показателям ИН и VLF. Достоверные отличия между группами свидетельствовали о включении разных механизмов в развитие регуляторных влияний на ритм сердца. Умеренная активация симпатического и парасимпатического звеньев регуляции способствовала развитию оптимальной адаптации. В группе с выраженной вагусной активностью высокие значения показателя VLF указывают на усиление церебральных эрготропных влияний, что может свидетельствовать о развитии дезадаптационных изменений.

Ключевые слова: адаптация, автономная нервная система, вариабельность ритма сердца, автономный и центральный контуры регуляции, студенты


O. Нulka

Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine


In the article presented the results of researches of heart rate variability indexes of women of pedagogical higher educational establishment on the fourth year of study. It is known that of long duration of adaptation in the conditions of the professional development is formed in accordance with the individual features of regulation of cardiac rhythm, that is why functional and adaptive possibilities of organism are implemented with the different inclusion of the regulatory systems. For research 61 students of the fourth course of the Ternopil national pedagogical university were examined. The average age of the examined 20,1±0,6. The indexes of heart rate variability were received by means of diagnostic computer complex for the estimation of the functional state of human organism «Omega-M». Students were divided into groups on methodology of Shlyk N.V. This technique is based on the notion about different regulatory effects on heart rhythm, moderate and marked prevalence of central regulation, moderate and marked predominance of autonomic regulation. To assess the prevailing regulation circuit on the basis of figures taken index of stress (IS) and a short-range power value (VLF). Significant differences between the groups showed different mechanisms inclusion the development of regulatory effects on heart rate. In the group with moderate activation of the sympathetic of regulation students characterized by: lower values of statistical indicators Mo, RRNN, RMSSD, CV, NN50, pNN50, HVR; lower absolute values of spectral (HF, LF, VLF, TP) and the highest, among the studied groups, values AMo, LF/HF and relative terms a very short range of VLF waves power of spectrum (p≤0,05). IS value was the largest and had an asymmetric dispersion (123 (105, 149) st. un). It testified to about the development of adaptive changes with a slight shift of vegetative balance toward activity of sympathetic part level of regulation and regulatory impact subcortical centers of the medulla oblongata and the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Women with moderate prevalence of autonomic regulation of the heart almost equal contribution had all the indicators of the spectrum (HF – 892 (553, 1566), ms2, LF – 978 (681, 1425), ms2, VLF – 937 (633, 1643), ms2. Contribution to the overall range of indicators was uniform HF – 31 (20, 46) %, LF – 31 (25, 41) %, VLF% – 31 (20, 48) %. This shows the coordination of the heart through the sinus node, the vagus nerve and its nucleus in the medulla oblongata. The absence of imbalances testified also IS the value of which were in the normal range – 57 (43; 82) st. un. In the group with severe vagal activity high values of statistical indicators Mo, RRNN, SDNN, RMSSD, CV, NN50, pNN50, HVR and spectrum indicators VLF and TP indicate strengthening of parasympathetic part of regulation and cerebral ergotropic influences that may indicate neurohumoral modulations of regulatory mechanisms. Although they had the lowest IS (20 (17, 21) st. un), very high values of TP can be connected with excessive activation of autonomous management levels and dysfunction of regulatory mechanisms. We can predict that the most optimal adaptation will develop in the organism of students with moderate prevalence of autonomic contour of regulation. Women with moderate prevalence of central regulation contour may develop compensated distress without involving higher suprasegmental levels. Maladaptive changes in the body can develop in students with a marked predominance of autonomic regulation. Because in stressful conditions the mastering of profession dominated vagotonic effects with high metabolic activity can lead to lack of energy condition.

Keywords: adaptation, autonomic nervous system, heart rate variability, autonomous and central regulation contours, students