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Т. Л. Андриенко-Mалюк, Л. С. Югличек

Мезинский национальный природный парк, Хмельницкий национальный университет


Дана характеристика растительности национального природного парка «Малое Полесье», который находится в восточной части Малого Полесья (Хмельниччина). Составлено карту растительности. Определены редкие растительные сособщества.

Ключевые слова: Малое Полесье, НПП «Малое Полесье», Хмельницкая область, растительность, редкие растительные сособщества


Т. L. Andrienko-Malyuk, L. S. Yuglichek

National nature park "Mezinsky", Ukraine, Khmelnytsky National University, Ukraine


Purpose – to characterize the vegetation of the territory of National nature park "Small Polissia". National park (S = 8762,7 ha) was created in 2013. It is located in the eastern part of the Small Polissia (Slavuta and Izyaslavdistricts of Khmelnytsky region). The researches were conducted during 1998-2015 using route-field floral, geobotanical, population-biological methods, and analysis of literary and herbarium materials. The vegetation of the National nature park "Small Polissia" is characterized. The geobotanical vegetation map of the National nature park is created. Territory is characterized by well-preserved diverse natural systems, large areas of forests (60 %), rich and varied vegetation. The forest vegetationis dominating here. The dominant forest formation is Querceto-Pineta. It isrepresented by associations Querceto-Pinetumhylocomiosum, Q.-P. myrtilloso-hylocomiosum, Q.-P. rubosum (hirti), Q.-P. myrtillosum, Q.-P. frannguloso-myrtillosum, Q.-P. franguloso-lycopodiosum (annotini), Q.-P. coryloso-vincosum (minori). Large areas covered forests formation Pinetasylvestris (associations Pinetum hylocomiosum, P. myrtilloso-hylocomiosum, P. molinioso-hylocomiosum, P. ruboso (hirti)-hylocomiosum, P. pteridiosum, P. myrtillosum, P. molinioso-myrtillosum).Small areas are occupied by forests formation Querceta roboris and derivatives of thse forests. In small areas forest formation Alneta glutinosae is growing. Iet is represented by association Alnetuma thyriosum, A. deschampsiosum, A.caricosum (brisoiditis). Among the tree species the smallest part is Carpinus betulus L. Meadow vegetation does not occupy large areas, concentrated mainly in the floodplain of Goryn. Park is dominated by wetlands, peaty meadows typical coenotic and floral composition. Glyceria fluitans (L.) R. Br., G. maxima (C. Hartm.) Holmb., Carex acutiformis Ehrh. and Agrostis tenuis Sibth. are dominats of marshy grasslands. Large areas are occupied by peaty meadows, which are placed in a central floodplain Goryn and near terrace. The basis of vegetation is Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) P. Beauv. Characteristic for floodplain meadows Goryn is true meadows (formations Agrostideta tenuis, Poeta pratensis, Festuceta rubrae). Formations Festuceta pratensis and Alopecureta pratensis are less common. This is due to low fertility soils. Sometimes there are communities ewhich are formed by Helictotrichon praeustum (Reichenb.). Marsh vegetation of park is characterized by coenotic diversity and specificity. There are different types of marshes available – eutrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic. Sphagnum marsh vegetation – mesotrophic and oligotrophic marshes, which are formed by overgrown lakes in the park, are at different stages of development. Very rare calcareous swamp is present. Such swamp has formed on the terrace of the river Gniliy Rig. Carex davalliana Smith dominate in wetland plant communities. It is a rare species, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.Water vegetation is confined to Goryn, lakes, artificial reservoirs. It is presented by formations Numphareta luteae, Numphaeeta candidae, Sparganieta minimi. Potamogetoneta natantis, P. nodosi, P. pectinati, Lemnea trisulcae, Hydrochareta morsus-ranae, Spirodeleta polyrrhizae. Coastal aquatic vegetation does not occupy large areas of the National park, but well-presented along the banks Goryn and reservoirs. Phragmites australis (Cav.), Scirpus lacustris (L.) Palla, Typha angustifolia L. and T. latifolia L. are dominant in these plant communities. Rare plant communities are identified (Nymphaeeta candidae, Nuphareta luteae, Sparganieta minimi, Sagittarietа sagittifoliae, Cariceta davallianae ). The park is characterized by relatively unspoilt vegetation, contains a variety of habitats, which leads to significant phytodiversity.

Keywords: Small Polissia, National nature park "Small Polissia", Khmelnytsky region, vegetation, rare plant communities